What We Do
PulseSense strives to offer the most affordable and simple approach to diagnostic cardiology. Holter monitors and Ambulatory blood pressure monitors are provided to the clinic as well as every piece of equipment needed to operate these devices day to day including any consumables and software. The clinic simply attaches these monitors and we look after the rest.
Our services feature no start up fees and no out-of-pocket fees to the clinic ever. PulseSense Holter monitors are fully funded by medicare rebate. Clinics can choose to charge a small fee to the patient for attaching the monitor. Moreover, as an incentive for continuous use of this Holter monitor service, we are proud to offer our ambulatory blood pressure monitors for clinics to use how they like. These services can be charged by the clinic via the medicare rebate or out-of-pocket to the patient.
Holter monitor referrals are sent to our team to process whilst ambulatory blood pressure monitors do not require referrals to us.
For more information about how this works please feel free to reach out to us.
Contact us
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